Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Answering Guardian Headlines #1

Here's a feature that will be (possibly) mutually fulfilling, and easily attainable in spite of the looming contractual writing deadline which, coupled with my actual income-producing gig, has consumed nearly every free minute for the last several months.

We will answer (without reading, b/c that's the way we do things in the 21st century) headlines in that day's Guardian that are, for traffic-driving reasons, framed as questions, some more rhetorical than others. We'll also include our favorite hot-take Op-Ed headline at the end as a bonus.

(worth mentioning that it's cool The Guardian isn't hidden behind a paywall. They do some great journalism, and deserve our gratitude and, depending on the balance in your bank account, our financial support).

US healthcare is booming. So why do one in five workers live in poverty?

Because US healthcare is, like most US things, driven by profits. And underpaying your workers is a (simple, stupid) way to make more money.

'Like a sunburn on your lungs': how does the climate crisis impact health?

It makes it worse.

Toy stories: can a woke makeover win Barbie and Monopoly new fans?

Anyone who seriously gives a fuck one way or another should be ashamed of themselves. Note: this isn't an article, it's a free commercial for a multinational conglomerate.

Hollow boom: why black Americans feel left out of US’s robust economy

Not technically a question, but we'll answer it anyway. Because the US is a white supremacist police state is built on the exploitation of all manual labor.

Saved by the Bell: Will the revival be 2020's Most Depressing Show?

No. That will be the election night broadcast. Also pretty sure this is also an ad.

And here's the hot-take Op-Ed of the day that makes us fear for the future of humanity:

Why Ivanka Trump's new haircut should make us very afraid

(Honorable mention goes to To decarbonize we must decomputerize: why we need a Luddite revolution)